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"GODYSSEY" - A Young Man's Proof of God's Existence

Copyright © 1980, 1990, 2005 by Jess Fein

Author's Advisory:

"Godyssey" contains never-before revealed, monumentally stunning and graphic information which will forever alter and expand one's consciousness.

Your world-view, and therefore your world, will change.


However - and I wish to STRONGLY emphasize this point - DO NOT PURCHASE or READ this book UNLESS you ALREADY have an open mind, a compassionate heart and a courageous soul.

On August 22, 1994 free rights to reprint and broadcast 20% of the content of "Godyssey" were offered to every major television network news group in America, along with The New York Times, Time Magazine, "The Oprah Winfrey Show," "Larry King Live," "Nightline," "Eye to Eye" and other selected groups and individuals throughout the United States.

The Boston Globe was also offered 100% free rights.

As of the publication date of this New Third Edition of "Godyssey," in April 2005, not one news organization has determined the revelation of the existence of God to be newsworthy.

Their conclusions for not announcing this news may be due to many of the aforementioned reasons, and I am, therefore, including this advisory.

If "Godyssey" and its contents only become widely known 1000 years from today, it will still be as revolutionary as it is now, if only presently for a limited readership.

- Jess Fein
April 11, 2005

"RETURNITY" or 'The Merry-Go-Round of Being'

[Excerpted from page 216]: 

The theory of eternal recurrence, as put forth by a small cadre of esotericists, mathematicians and philosophers, going back thousands of years to no less than Pythagoras and Gautama the Buddha, and more recently by P.D. Ouspensky, is one which has tremendous significance for us all, if true.

Briefly stated, this "revelationary" theory regards death as the gateway ("getaway") to one's own birth, in the past. (As opposed to reincarnation, which regards death as the gateway to rebirth - in the future.)

This means that if I am born in September 1954 and die in September 1974, that I will again be born in September 1954. 

At first, this is quite a shocking and upsetting idea, because not only does it eliminate the long-cherished / feared concept of an "afterlife," but it boldly asserts that we all live our lives over again - until we get it right!

Now, what is "right" - you ask?

Well, apparently this is debatable, but, I believe that getting it right involves acquiring sufficient and eternal (continuous) awareness that our every action has a reaction. That every harmful deed has eternal (and retroactive) consequences and every helpful act does also.

That to love, respect, cherish and enjoy one another is our common intended destination and the basis of true spiritual Enlightenment.                           


That hatred, prejudice, theft, murder, infidelity, self-destruction, materialism and inhumanity are all dead ends. That both good and evil return, with karmic interest, upon the head of the "act-or."

Of course, this is common sense, but we do not wish to see it. We prefer to believe that our evil deeds will be forgotten and forgiven.

This cannot and will never happen, according to this brilliant, and one could even say, absolutely necessary theory.

Because we are laying down the tracks of our lives in advance of the train (of thought)!

Every evil deed turns the track in one direction and every good deed turns it in another, so that when the "track-layer" returns to the station of his or her own birth/death ("re-berth") in the next go-round, the journey has already been predestined - by oneself! 

And the train is ultimately headed either for a self-created heaven or hell!

Now, of course, on THIS predestined journey, one may alter the track (or course) of the NEXT go-round.

And quite possibly, with sufficient and concentrated awareness, one might alter the track WITHIN the SAME go-round.

This theory takes us on an incredibly rich, satisfying and fascinating excursion into realms which have never been fully explored.  

For example, if true, it would mean that there is an unbroken link between the malleable future and the excreted past

Between the parallel, coexisting and self-perfecting spheres of life and death - "like sands through the hourglass."

Between creation and concretion. 

Is this not the most elegant and beautiful way to view our existence?

-- That we should perfect this raw, yet precious gift of Life with which we have been entrusted, like grains of sand which become pearls in a bed of oysters.

Everyone who has and WILL ever have lived touches or impinges upon our existence with their own experience and acquired wisdom and/or folly.

Upon death, we are all reborn with instinctual knowledge of our own recorded past and potential (yet erasable) future - and every time we live, we are perfected by everyone else who has been perfected, in the collective past AND in the Universal future.
From cemetary to symmetry.           

Astoundingly, deja vu, intuition, precognition and prediction of future events are ALL explainable as reliving or remembering the PAST! 

At the point of full remembrance - the circle of existence becomes a sphere. In terms of human consciousness, eternity is not a linear arrow extending from the Big Bang to inevitable entropy, nor a circular snake swallowing its own tail - but a spherical potentiality, containing every possible destiny, including heavenly, mundane and hellish realities...

Although I am reluctant to accept the full ramifications of eternal recurrence, I am aware of its unqualified indispensability and perfect justice.

I pray that this expanded consciousness and wholehearted, personal atonement will deliver me from causing and reliving pain and evil on any level

I am a 'soul-dier' in the War on evil in myself and in others.

To the dimension of Love.




November 25 - 26, 1994 & February 29, 2004






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