A Personal Message from the Author



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The Way God Intended...

When I was about 5 years old, accompanied by one of my favorite aunts, I
boarded a bus (or trolley, possibly powered by an overhead electric
line), which went from one side of the city to the beach
(where we would eventually meet my mother & other aunts).

It was a balmy, summer day, as far as I can recall, and I was seated,
facing forward on the right-hand side, about halfway down the bus. 

After a few stops, I noticed that two very special people boarded the
bus and sat down across from my aunt & I.

There seemed to be an otherworldly, heavenly Beauty and magnetism
radiating from these two, white-clothed, eternally-youthful people. 

They had a tanned (South American?, Indian?) appearance; dark, lustrous
hair and brown eyes; and as just mentioned, they were both wearing white
clothing. -- The man wore white pants or possibly shorts and a white
shirt - and the woman wore a white blouse along with either a white
skirt or shorts.  And both were clad in white sneakers or tennis shoes.
(And may actually have been tennis players.)

One of them, I can't remember which, had a plaster cast on his or her
broken or sprained leg, and was utilizing crutches.

But, I do remember with great clarity the extraordinarily gentle &
comforting love, care and concern they showed one another.

Turning my head in their direction, I simply could not take my eyes from
them - they were so compellingly beautiful ...and, perfectly in Love.

Looking directly into each other's eyes and speaking softly to each other with great sensitivity, their love was like a glowing beacon - and, as it shone forth, it filled me with a blissfully glorious, "warm molasses" feeling that I had never felt before.

Not long after they boarded, they exited the bus, one tenderly cradling the other's arm while gracefully guiding their partner, patiently, to the door.

...Occasionally, even though it's been over 50 years, I'll momentarily be able to relive that exhilarating feeling of Angelic Love beyond




...There came a moment when I realized that everything I needed to accomplish had already been achieved.

Nothing more was required.

Publication of my book and e-book have now been finalized.  Press releases &/or interviews (which were intended to be conducted anonymously) are no longer necessary.  The video of "Returnity" can now be transmitted without being broadcast via the media. 

Everything I want to present to you regarding this truly miraculous experience of God can be effectively 

communicated on the 

world wide web. 




"Waiting for Dawn"...

Early one morning, before sunrise, a fisherman went to a river.

On the bank he felt something underfoot, and found it to be a small sack of stones.

He picked up the sack, and putting his net aside, squatted on the bank to await the sunrise. He was waiting for dawn to break in order to start his day's work.

Lazily, he picked a stone out of the bag and threw it into the water.

Then he cast another stone and then another.

In the absence of anything else to do, he kept tossing the stones into the water, one by one. 

Slowly the sun rose and it became light.  By that time he had thrown all the stones away except one; the last stone lay in his palm.

His heart almost failed him when he saw, by daylight, what he held in his hand.

It was a gem!

In the darkness, he had thrown a whole sack of t
hem awa

What had he lost unknowingly!

Full of remorse, he cursed himself.  He sobbed and cried, almost out of his mind with grief.

He had accidentally stumbled upon enough wealth to enrich his life many times over, but unknowingly, and in the darkness, he had lost it.

Yet in a way he was fortunate: still one gem was left; the light had dawned before he had thrown it away too.

Generally, most people are not even that fortunate.

There is darkness all around and time is fleeting.

The sun has not yet risen and we have already wasted all life's precious gems.  Life is a vast treasure trove, and man does nothing with it but throw it away

By the time we have realized the importance of life, we have whiled it away.  The secret, the mystery, the bliss, the deliverance, heaven -- all is lost.

And one's life is spent.

- An Awakened Soul 


"The Lord slumbereth not, nor sleepeth..."

- A Psalm of Praise


Answered Questions...

7 "Down-to-Earth, Up-to-Heaven" Questions & Answers

Q. Why would God appear to you in such an overwhelming (and painful) manner?

A. I believe that the actual essence and Being of God is so inconceivably mighty and powerful that even to glimpse the most infinitesimal atom of His Reality makes it existentially impossible for a human being to withstand or survive (as is expressed biblically in Exodus 33:20).

After all, just think of the energy (in the form of intensely explosive power) inherent in a single atomic nucleus, released at its division, via the unspeakable "Deus ex machina-mechanism" of a hydrogen bomb.

Q. So, if it is impossible to see God - even for only 20 seconds, and live - how could you have seen Him?

A. After losing 20 days of sleep at the age of 20, while uprooting traumatic experiences and deeply questioning existence, it's possible that I literally "broke through" into a realm of pure consciousness - without "un"-consciousness.

Therefore, I had no "place" to "disappear" or "dissolve into." -- Nowhere.  'Now-here.'

Or, it's possible that what we believe to be consciousness is actually only a shadowy, veiled, dreamlike (or nightmarish) state of "being." 

Without a true awareness of God, "Being" in the gyroscopic center of our lives - as a righteous force (or counterbalance) for Good - we are all, in "reality," dead or unconscious, so to speak.

As I discovered, when God - Goodness (the absence of evil) - is uppermost in one's consciousness, everything has meaning. Everything has a purpose.

Paradoxically, when everything has meaning, "nothing"(-ness) has meaning.

The reason that nothingness (or death or unconsciousness) "exists" is because, through self-righteous pride (and attendant evil), we stubbornly refuse to place God at the center of His own Creation, thereby "creating" a vacuum or "blind spot" in the very core of our existence - "experienced" as death.

Q. But, why would the actual sight of God, or even a vision of God engender so much pain - isn't God a god of love?

A. Well, there are a number of perspectives from which to answer this question:

1). Yes, God has an infinite "number" of infinitely powerful attributes, including, foremost and most meaningfully - Love - and its power to create, "re-member," recreate (and resurrect).

And, as previously mentioned, God's ultimate and intimate, infinite and eternal, preexistent and preeminent, immortal Nature beyond all nature(s) is so overwhelmingly inexpressible and ALMIGHTY that merely to look upon His Face causes an all-too-finite and mortal human being instantaneous pain and unconsciousness - similar to what one would experience if looking directly at the world's most powerful laser beam, for example.

2). By (the self-evident truth of) His own definition of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence, God has endless flexibility and "sense"-ability to "Man"-ifest in whatever form He wishes.

"I shall be what I shall be" is now often referred to, by many Hebrew and biblical scholars, as the closest English translation of God's proclamation to Moses: "I am that I am." (Exodus 3:14)

3). Since, God forbid, I may have unknowingly transgressed or entered into His Holy presence with an imperfect, unwhole or "unholy" conscience (or consciousness) - it is possible that He was angry with me and showed His unforgettably indelible and painful, furious Countenance.

(May I add that I am eternally grateful to God that, although this memory is Itself everlasting, the actual EVENT did not last forever - for that would surely be Hell!)

In this regard, it might have been the clash of like and unlike - in other words, that which is imperfect cannot enter into the realm of Perfection.

4). Or, as it is also written in the Bible: "And It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this is the judgment." (Hebrews 9:27)

The next verse is an even more significant one, for I believe it offers the only Hope.

The Hope that we can "escape the inescapable" cause-and-effect retribution from our own conscience, from the world's "vicious circle" and from the wrathful Face of God: "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him he shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation." (Hebrews 9:28)

Q. Hasn't God commanded that there be no graven images of Himself?

A. Yes, God, in His farsighted wisdom, has commanded that "thou not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." (Exodus 20:4)

What I believe I have, as accurately as humanly possible, described in my book, does not fall into any of the categories God has proscribed - simply because His Countenance is truly, truly impossible for any human being to imagine or conceive - and transcends any-"thing" within the created universe.

Any image of any thing which can be conceived is, by definition, conceivable.

God is, by definition, beyond conception, inconceivable - or rather, conceivable only by Himself.

And even though I have depicted an Image - or, in essence, "clothed a Thought" recurrent throughout Godyssey in various forms, via words and pictures - it is still absolutely impossible to convey the magnitude of His Ineffable, ALMIGHTY (<- that is the best word I have found) Power. 

Q. What do you hope mankind will learn from the experience you are communicating?

A. That all forms of "prime-evil" pride, greed, theft, jealousy, abuse, bigotry, hatred, murder, war and inhumanity must cease.

Through the painfully self-evident, karmic realization that when we commit evil acts we are una-"void"-ably and retroactively caught in the web of our own weaving - in the bonds of our own binding.

We cannot fool God - or ourselves.

Let's be 100% honest with ourselves and see with crystalline clarity that it is pride - concomitant with the rejection of any force higher than oneself - which "elevates" a person to a false and dangerous position of power, from which a painful, often fatal fall is inevitable -- from such "dizzying heights."

We know in our hearts what is Good and what is evil.

If evil is consciously chosen, and Good is consciously rejected, the path inevitably leads to pain and destruction.

Without escape.

UNLESS one turns, in genuine humility, to an Intermediary, to a Savior - to Jesus Christ - and therefore changes the course of his or her own "train of thought."

The tracks of which we have been steadily laying down, throughout our lives, leading to a self-created, hell-"bound" concentration camp of unimaginable horror.

Q. So you believe that the man captured (or, possibly, en-"Raptured!") on videotape, walking down the hill, followed by a naked child could really be Christ and could have saved you from "the second death?'"

A. Yes.

Q. How could a barefoot man with long hair, wearing a contemporary T-shirt, be Jesus Christ?

A. I suppose if I had a preconceived image of Christ's Second Coming, as we all do, it would be something like: a supernaturally glowing, brighter & larger-than-life, white-robed figure of the holiest Man Who ever lived - trumpeted forth by gloriously-perfect angels, resplendently surrounded by every resurrected saint who ever existed, instantaneously enveloping every atom of the universe, the Earth and every creature upon it - this Holy Spirit of God in solemn judgment, simultaneously accepting believers and rejecting the unfaithful.

And, although this could be the way it ultimately 'supersonovas,' just prior to our own individual death - or the world's collective, twinkling-of-an-eye destruction / Transfiguration in the form of a universal Armageddon - perhaps, just perhaps, we have been given a second chance

-- To awaken ...and 'trance-end.'

-- To accept Jesus Christ at "His Word," so to speak, as the sacrificial Son of God, in all His down-to-earth reality, in whatever outward "clothing" he chooses to appear to humanity - possibly even in the form of a barefoot, silent Man walking down a hill, followed by an unashamed, naked child.

Maybe this is why it is also stated in the Bible that "in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 24:44)

-- To give us a second chance to believe. --

-- To admit that we are powerless to face God - Who, in essence, represents our own inescapable Conscience - without protection.

The vital protection of an Intermediary between a sinless, Good and Holy Creator and His prideful, violent, oftentimes evil children who continually choose, of our own blessed, free will to become, essentially, the opposite of Good - that is to say - Godless.

An empathetic Intercessor, our older Brother, our Redeemer, the Son of God - of the same Perfected or "Good Nature" as God - Who has already paid the incalculable debt, accruing "with infinite interest," that our sinful (imperfect) nature must eternally owe.

Debt = Death.

Paying = Pain.

(Owe = Oh!)

And, Love is "For-Giving." 

Therefore, whoever refuses the gracious gift of a free and self-sacrificial, Loving repayment of debt, shall, undoubtedly (and indebtedly) have to repay it themselves.

Also undoubtedly, Christ, our Redeemer and Savior has, once-and-forever, broken the chains of cause and effect which have bound us all to the wheel of "strife and death" - taking the unspeakable Wrath of God in our stead.

When, in a childlike and open manner, one wholeheartedly accepts the Reality that our Father in Heaven could "conceivably" incarnate in the form of a visible, personified Individual - is this not like being born again?

Could this naked, innocent Child - REBORN "in a sense" - be you?

Or rather - us?

May God Bless you,
Now and Always.

With Christ's Love,
D.S. Fine

Thursday, July 7, 2005



Each and every person and being you see is literally you.

Because the same animating spirit / life force / essence that incarnates within them is the exact same one within you

What differentiates the "nature" of each being on this planet is their particular time of conception, genetics, place of birth, environ-'mental' circumstances & nutrients, individual experiences and accumulated memories. 

Yet, beneath all the mate-"reality," we are still One Spirit

In other words, if your individuated spirit - descending from the One Spirit Above - were to be born when, where and to whom any other being is born, you would be that being! 

We are One Spiritual Being divided into a multitude of virtually-infinite diversity. -- A spectrum of imperfect individuals expressing the motions and emotions, passion and compassion of One "wholly inconceivable," infinitely-perfect, omnipresent and spiritually-powerful God Above... but, not below. 

A Holy God with unlimited, incorporeal potential - yet without a limited, impotent body. 

After incarnating ("man-i-festing") on this plane of existence - like moisture condensing from an infinite, yet, indefinite cloud of potentiality - we descend to Earth as individual raindrops, becoming personified as His / Her / Its finite, corporeal, disconnected "Body."  Thereby, "raining" individually here - just as God reigns Supreme in Unity (yet, still an eternal "Mist"-ery) "Above."  

When we die, does our individual (water-)spirit rise as an ephemeral, evan-"essence" up into the atmosphere of loving "warmth" kindled by a Compassionate God Above (...as the Sun warms the Earth)? -- Becoming One Great Cloud in the Sky - One "Mist-Eerie-Us" Being, once again? 

"Re-membering" this One simple fact is the basis of Tangible, Visceral Awakened En-'lighten'-ment

And when "de-Light" of this Realization shines upon these falling droplets, a gloriously-multicultural, multicolored, opalescent, luminescent, phosphorescent Rainbow of Gratitude, Grace & Graciousness appears in the Heavens... 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 





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